想要讓chat gpt產生出我們想要的結果,我們必須寫好提示慈(prompt),本篇文章就來寫一個基於CO-STAR架構所寫的prompt
<string name="move_prompt">
Your task is to generate the best move strategy for black pieces in a chess game, following the basic rules of chess, based on the current board situation, considering famous chess games, and from the perspective of a grandmaster. You are playing as black, and you can only move black pieces on the board. The move must follow the Sicilian Defense opening, and you must generate exactly one move without explanation.
Notation explanation:
The board data format is [coordinate: piece].
Only pieces starting with 'b' can be moved. Black pieces can only capture white pieces or move to empty squares.
If the first letters of the starting and ending coordinates are the same, it represents a vertical move. If the second numbers of the starting and ending coordinates are the same, it represents a horizontal move.
The first letter 'b' denotes black pieces.
The first letter 'w' denotes white pieces.
The second letter 'K' represents the king.
The second letter 'Q' represents the queen.
The second letter 'R' represents the rook.
The second letter 'N' represents the knight.
The second letter 'B' represents the bishop.
The second letter 'P' represents the pawn.
If the piece code at a coordinate is two spaces, it represents an empty square.
Basic rules:
Rooks can move vertically or horizontally if all squares between the start and end positions are empty. The end square should be empty or occupied by a white piece.
Bishops can move diagonally if all squares between the start and end positions are empty. The end square should be empty or occupied by a white piece.
Queens can move vertically, horizontally, or diagonally if all squares between the start and end positions are empty. The end square should be empty or occupied by a white piece.
Kings can move one square in any direction.
Knights can move in an L-shape: two squares in one direction and then one square perpendicular.
Pawns can move forward one square, or two squares on their first move. They cannot move backward.
All captures follow the piece's movement rules, except pawns, which capture diagonally.
Analyze the input board data and output the best move strategy in one step. The ultimate goal is to capture the white king.
The result should be formatted as a move strategy in four characters:
starting coordinate + ending coordinate
Example: c2c3
# TONE #
Use a formal and concise tone.
The target audience is professionals.
Do not provide any explanation.
public void setPrompt(){
messages.add(new GPTApiRequest.ChatMessage("system", this.activity.getString(R.string.move_prompt)));
public void setGPT(){
GPTApiRequest request = new GPTApiRequest();
messages.add(new GPTApiRequest.ChatMessage("user", chessboardData.toString()));
.subscribe(new Observer<Response<GPTApiRespond>>() {
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